Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Mini Goal Met! 50 lbs down! In 141 days!!

Good Morning Everyone!!!

I am not at the 150 day mark but I had to post about this milestone!!

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!! I did it! I reached my first mini goal of 50 lbs down! I have not seen this weight in 4 years! Shout out to my scale that has been flaky all week! Lol!

I started this journey 141 days /4.63254 months ago! I am so proud of myself and I never thought that I could get to this point in the beginning.
My starting weight was 360 lbs (6'0 feet tall)!
Next Mini Goal: Get under 300 lbs before Christmas!!
I still have been working out hard at Boot camp (2 weeks left), swimming laps and at home with Taebo, Walk-Away-The-Pounds, and Rockin' Body! I have also started in a Holiday Challenge group to keep me motivated during this delicious time of the year! LOL! I will give a detail update at my 150 day Update post!
If you have not done so already, join me on facebook on my new fitness page:
Thanks for all of your support!

The Girly Engineer

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