Thursday, October 18, 2012

The 120 Day Update!!

Good Morning Everyone!

YES!!! It has been 120 days/4 Months since I have started this journey. October has been a great month! I started boot camp and it is really kicking my butt! I love it! My trainer/coach is just awesome. I have been able to do things that I never thought that I could do. The first week of boot camp I was down 7lbs. I think some of that was water weight because I was up 4 lbs once the camp started. But it blew his and the other trainees mind, so I will claim the 7 pounds! LOL!

I am also still doing Rockin' Body and my Walking DVDs. Even on mornings after boot camp.

Things that I have learned/Progress in the last 30 Days:

1. I am actually making progress and now I can do things that I never thought my body could do; like running most mornings.
2. Even when I REALLY don't want to workout, my FB friends and family Continues to motivate me with their encouraging words.
3. I am really doing this! I feel that I will make it to my goal weight/fitness level.
4. I miss swimming and can't wait to start my next lessons next week.

Things that I have been doing consistently to lose the weight:
•Drinking one of my Shakeology Shakes every morning (Including Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, some fruits (A Banana every morning and sometimes Strawberries), and Spinach). I will begin to add Flax Seeds in my Shakes starting today.
•Drinking on average 16 cups of water (equivalent to 128oz)
•Working out at least 6-7 times a week (Boot camp, Rockin' Body DVD, Strength Training, WATP DVDs)
•Eating what I want but using to track my calories
  • Eating a lot of fruit and veggies
  • Eating Protein with my meals
•Staying within or under my 1500 daily calories. I currently do not eat back my calories from working out.
•Use the general rule to only eat half of my meal when going out to restaurants to eat
•I keep moving by parking a little farther from where I am going.

My new main numbers:
Waist: 40.5 inches- Down from 51 inches
Lower Stomach: 50 inches - Down from 55.34 Inches
Weight: 319lbs - Down from 360lbs
Shirt Size 18 or XL in some shirts- Down from Size 26-28 or 3x

I am Officially Down 41 lbs!!! YAY!!!
I have notice big changes in my overall body in 120 days!

Now for the pictures comparing Day 1, Day 30, Day 90 and Day 120. I also have a comparison of Day 1 to Day 120!



Please let me know if you would like to know more about Shakeology or any Beach body products/workouts.

Thanks for all of the SUPPORT!!!!

The Girly Engineer

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