Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year Brings on New Fitness Goals :-)

Two post in a DAY! I can dig it.

I really need to update y'all on my weight-loss journey. I am officially down 63 pounds!! YAY!! I am so excited about that. I have been at it for 6 months. I now have new goals and new workouts to do. I just started on Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred DVD and I am really enjoying it so far (It reminds me of Boot camp). It is only my second day so I will update you all after the first 30 days. I will be doing it 6 days a week.

I will also be doing TurboFire! I am very excited about this program. It is 90 days long and I have seen so many people get great results from it. I am leading a TurboFire Group on Facebook that starts Monday 1.7.13:
Please join us if you have TurboFire or TurboJam.

I had a lot of people that wanted to do a challenge but didn't have TurboFire. So I started a 15 miles walking or 225 minutes working out a week Challenge Group that is open to everyone!
So join us if you want to have some accountability buddies and some encouragement.

Goals for Jan. 2013:
  • Complete 30 Day Shred (First Round)
  • Get through my first month of TurboFire
  • Drink my Shakeology Daily
  • Make a Green Protein Shake for after workouts
  • To keep my Challenge Groups Motivated by leading by example
  • Get at least 500 Squats a week!
  • Plank for 5 minutes per week
  • Log in What foods I am eating into Daily!

Of course I have pictures!

Before Pictures for my Challenges:

The Girly Engineer

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