Sunday, August 19, 2012

We finally have a Peep Hole!

WOW!! 3 post in one day! HA HA! I am on a role.

When we first moved in to our home, we didn't have a peep hole and we even had a guy come by and offered to install one for $75 dollars!! SMH! We passed. So last week, we had a friend tell us that her husband installed their peep hole for $5 AND In 10 MINUTES! We had to do this!

Mr. B headed off to Lowe's and picked us up one for $5.22 and was done in under 10 minutes indeed. We are so happy that we didn't pay that guy for something that was so easy to do.

This is the one we got- Gatehouse Oil-Rubbed Bronze Door Viewer:

Instructions on how we installed our Peep Hole:
  1. Locate the 9/16 drill bit. This is the size that they said you would need on the Peep hole package. You want to make sure that the drill works for the door that you have. So you may need to adjust the size to your needs.
  2. Locate where you want the hole placed on your door and mark it with a pencil.
  3. Drill a hole completely through from the inside
  4. Clean out all of the sand dust
  5. Separate the Peep Hole
  6. Insert the front end first through the hole and then the back.
  7. Then just screw it in until it is secure
  8. You are now DONE!

                                                                      Our Results!

                                                                        The Outside

The Inside

I hope that you like and that you will try this if you don't have a Peep Hole currently.

The Girly Engineer


  1. How about I pay Jason to come and do ours! LOL! Bc I'm scared that we'd have 4 different holes in our door by the time John is finished.

    1. LOL!! He actually said that he was going to go around the neighborhoods installing them. He just might do it for y'all. :-)
