Monday, September 3, 2012

September's Challenge Has Begun

August 's Challenge of getting in 60 miles went really well. I have now started on the Rockin' Body Challenge. I also will be starting a new set of swimming lessons this coming Saturday. I would like to try and get in some water aerobics as well for the month of September. Here is the run down for the week.

Week 1:
Day 1 (Today)~ Mark, Move and Groove DVD + 3 mile Walk-Away-The-Pounds DVD with weights
Day 2 ~ Mark, Move and Groove DVD + Party Express
Day 3 ~ Disco Groove + Hard Core Abs
Day 4 ~ Party Express + Booty Time
Day 5 ~ Shaun T's Dance Party + Hard Core Abs
Day 6 ~ Party Express + Disco Groove
Day 7 ~ Rest
I will also get in at least 10 miles of walking every week.  Updates will come weekly on my progress. My measurements, weight and photo has been taken today. Wish me luck!
The Girly Engineer

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