Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shaun T's Rockin Body: Week 2

I am really proud to say that Week 2 went pretty great! I got in all of my workouts plus some! Anything that is in Red is something that I decided to do extra. Here is the run down:

Week 2:

Day 8 ~ Party Express + Hard Core Abs + 4 Mile WATP + 30 Mins Walking
Day 9 ~ Rock It Out+ Hard Core Abs
Day 10 ~ Shaun T's Dance Party + 5 Miles WATP DVD + 30 Mins Walking
Day 11 ~ Party Express + Disco Groove + 3 Mile WATP DVD
Day 12 ~ Shaun T's Dance Party + Hard Core Abs + 4 Miles Walk-Away-The-Pounds + 30 mins Walking
Day 13 ~ Swimming 60 mins + 45 mins of bowling + Rest (Rockin Body)
Day 14 ~ Rock It Out + Booty Time

Next Week's Run Down: 

Week 3:

Day 15 ~ Party Express + Rock It Out 
Day 16 ~ Shaun T's Dance Party + 5 mile WATP + Hardcore Abs
Day 17 ~ Hardcore Abs + Disco Groove + 4 Mile WATP DVD
Day 18 ~ Rock It Out + Booty Time + 5 mile WATP DVD
Day 19 ~ Shaun T's Dance Party + Hard Core Abs
Day 20 ~ Hardcore Abs + Booty Time + 3 Mile WATP with Weights
Day 21 ~ Rest

Guess what!? My 90 Day mark is coming up! So of course I will be doing my 90 day progress pictures. So stay tuned for that. :-)

The Girly Engineer

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